Business Security

Livsignity endeavours staying ‘A Step Ahead’ of the loop by providing cutting edge solutions to the Indian market. Some of these products which Livsignity supports its clients with are -

Control Room Management

Livsignity has the capability to put in place and manage sophisticated and state of the art Control Rooms

The Control Room/Command Centre is the rendezvous point for the Crisis Management Team during a Crisis and the nerve centre for all security communications during routine operations.

Our highly professional Control Room Teams provide the ability and the deep understanding in operating command centres and control rooms with several electronic means of surveillance. Our operators are trained in controlling the Central Monitoring Systems under pre-laid down SOPs, relaying the information expeditiously to the personnel on ground, reporting to the officers in charge and notifying the public. The operators are trained in multiple scenarios, including enhancing situational awareness and complex decision making.

Offsite Mail Screening

Livsignity runs the only private offsite mail-screening centre in the country

This offsite centre screens all mail, couriers, packages etc before they enter the client sites. Items are security cleared at the offsite centre for explosives, chemicals, biohazards, anthrax etc.

Explosive Detection Capability

Livsignity has one of the best explosive detection canine teams in the country

Livsignity has developed the capability in partnership with MSA (USA) to provide top of the line canine explosive detection capability. In addition, Livsignity along with MSA (USA) have related services to assist in the detection and identification of explosives, weapons, and contraband with its proprietary product SmartTech™.

Counter Surveillance Teams

Our well trained teams provide special intelligence to prevent terror and other threats related to the facility protected

The team provides an additional ring of protection, working undercover and gathering intelligence. This proactive security method provides time and creates the space for a controlled response and preventive tactics. The team members are trained to blend into the environment, profile suspects, incidents and unusual events.

Women/Employee Safety

Livsignity undertakes programs and processes that ensure safety of employees, more so women employees

Livsignity has the in house capability to run specialised women empowerment and UAC (unarmed combat) modules for women. With a major presence in all metros, Livsignity has the in house capability in providing security escorts to travelling women employees Pan India as also overseas (in conjunction with our partners).